iXero's Curriculum Design Pushes the Envelope

This week, the iXero president and CEO met with the head of curriculum design to discuss strategies for educating audiences at educational facilities in safety procedures and habits. Tabitha brings years of experience working in the multimedia production field and consistently brings new and more modern ideas and techniques to iXero curriculum development.

In her plan, Tabitha brings in high impact visuals with effective scripting that will effectively educate students, teachers, administrators, and stakeholders in ways to incrfease security in the educational environment. Her visual plan tailors videos and interactive lessons for specific audiences and ages. This mix of audiovisual delivery methods has proven to be the most effective in passing on knowledge while ensuring the information is remembered.

Her plan also has printed products that reinforce the audiovisual learning. Posters and handouts will be developed using the same visual scheme, symbols, and themes to give pertinent information. These products will be displayed in strategic locations and handed out at times tailored for maximum effectiveness.

But Tabitha’s plan isn’t static. She’s designed it to evolve as evaluations are updated, or new requirements are identified. As audiovisual production begins, iXero has an innovative and flexible plan that will create the most effective curriculum.

Tommy Allen
New members build on iXero's robust cyber capabilities

Last weekend, iXero welcomed Zach and Kevin to the team. The pair are former law enforcement professionals who brought their expertise from that community, expanded it through participating in some of the toughest cyber training courses worldwide, and became a couple of the foremost experts in cyber attack and defense.

While calling on their knowledge to expand iXero’s ability to provide solutions in electronic surveillance, monitoring, and internal connectivity, Zach and Kevin also enhance our ability to harden infrastructures against external threats that would conduct attacks through the web.

They join a team built primarily from law enforcement and military personnel who were selected for their extensive experience in physical and cyber security. Bringing together such an experienced and well-rounded team gives iXero the ability to assess facilities and determine threats not considered by almost any other company.

In his welcoming remarks, the iXero president commented, “It’s about changing dynamics for the whole country.” As iXero expands, we further our commitment to be the world leader in cutting-edge, proactive security solutions for our education facilities. While we work, our educators can concentrate on the business of teaching our children.

Tommy Allen
iXero welcomes new members

This weekend, iXero welcomed new members to increase the capabilities of the team. Following an exhaustive evaluation process, additional experts in physical security, cyber security, finance, and administration were brought on to enhance iXero’s capabilities. iXero continues as the world leader in cutting edge and proactive processes and equipment in providing educational facility safety.

The new employees were selected not only for their excellent qualifications, but also for their shared vision and values in pursuit of providing the safest educational environment.

During the welcome briefing, the iXero founder and president emphasized, “I’m the honest broker, and that’s the iXero direction.” In its core values, integrity is held as the most important. iXero is built on the conviction that transparency and trust are the cornerstones of working with its customers to provide highest level of security. They lead to the most honest and complete exchanges of information and provide for the best evaluations.

The new individuals join the team as fully invested in iXero’s mission to ensure the safety and security of children in schools across America. Emphasizing this during thewelcome brief, the iXero CEO stated, “All of this, everything you see, al of the bells and whistles… it’s all about making the children safe.”

The commitment was reinforced by the iXero executive coordinator who commented, “The number one theme is protecting children. We’re here to do a good thing and a visionary thing.”

Tommy Allen